7 Ethical Practices that make TWW Pillows Save the World!

7 Ethical Practices that make TWW Pillows Save the World!

Ever wondered how your sleeping choices affect our Mother Nature. Think again! Everything you do and choose has a direct impact on the environment around us. Sound sleep is the most important fuel we need to function productively all day. With a well-rested body, our mind is clear and focussed, body more energetic and responsive to make responsible decisions that have a long term impact not only on our lives but also the world around us. Pillows are probably the most impactful items in our sleep essentials. We, at The White Willow are proud pillow producers that dedicatedly work towards a green and healthy world environment.

1. Earth-friendly Pillows

Each and every pillow at TWW is made with 100% commitment to support the environment. We have a team of professionals who work round-the clock to ensure responsible sourcing of raw materials. Our core product features of Memory foam, Active Air, Cooling Gel and Hard Grade Foam rest on sustainability and deep compassion for the world around us.

2. Ethical Production

We are transparent in our pillow manufacturing process and are happy to share that our entire range of 70 pillows are sustainable and bio-degradable. Besides, our newly installed solar panels in the factory premises is an indicator of our commitment to reduce our carbon footprints in the world. The sun is surely shining down on us.

3. More Greens

As our pledge to Mother Nature we plant one tree for every 1000 pillows we sell. So, far we have planted over 5,000 trees in a span of 5 years and our endeavour to give back to Mother Nature is evident with our goal of 15,000 trees by 2023. So, shop on and help us paint the world green.


Memory foam pillows are branded for releasing a chemical smell when you first purchase them, called “off-gassing” through volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Some VOCs are highly toxic in nature and cause considerable damage over the few weeks it takes to off-gas. Our pillows at TWW are VOC-free. So, relax and breathe on!

5. Mercury and Heavy Metal-free

All our pillows are free of even remote exposure to heavy metals and mercury making them 100% safe and organic for a good night sleep. No chemicals…only calmness!

6. No Fillers & Formaldehyde

 TWW uses no plastic and irritant fillers in the pillow. Our stuffing is made of 100% natural foam that is gentle for the head, good for the body and divine for the soul. Besides, most other pillows and cushions emit a dangerous, colourless, toxic gas called formaldehyde which is an unacceptable practise for us at TWW.

7. Responsible Packaging

We avoid the use of degradable plastic in packaging our products and offer our fabulous pillows in 100% non-woven bags which are sourced from a local NGO near our factory premises in New Delhi. Collaborate to conquer!

So, the next time you worry about Mother Nature be rest assured when you rest your head on your favourite pillow that TWW cares for the world environment as much as you do!

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