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Is It Time For You To Change Your Pillow?

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Is It Time For You To Change Your Pillow?


Let's take a trip down memory (foam) lane...

Once upon a time, there was a fluffy, bouncy Pillow. It caught all your dreams and gave you the best night's sleep. You even had a name for your pillow and took it everywhere with you!

You and your dear Pillow travelled to fantastic dreamlands and had many long pillow talks of pure joy together.

Pillows are one of those possessions which are cherished because they are familiar. Comfort in a pillow comes less from the material and more from the bond we share with it and that's why we carry on using the same pillows for years together! 


After a long time of happy dreams and a blissful slumber, night after night, it is finally time to let dear Pillow retire and enjoy the rest it served you!

Here are the signs indicating that it is time to change your pillows:

  • Using The Same Pillows For Over 2 Years: While we change the pillow covers regularly, we rarely think about changing our pillows even after years. This compromises the quality of your sleep. Changing your pillows after 2 years is a healthy sleep practice to follow. You can buy quality pillows online and make a healthy switch! Explore different materials like memory foam pillows, Cooling gel pillows etc. and choose the one which suits your sleep needs the best Rest your head & neck on clean, well-constructed pillows which care for your posture and help you rest easy.
  • Waking up with Headaches and/or Sore Neck & Shoulder: Pillows are essentially supporters for your head & spine. When your pillow is not right or has lost resilience and shape, it affects spine alignment and sleep posture. If you find yourself waking up with a stiff neck or back or experiencing unexplainable headaches, it might be time to change your pillow. 
  • Getting Acne: Your pillows are absorbent surfaces and dirt, oil and sweat get trapped in them. You may have noticed permanent stains of sweat or oil on old pillows. Some pillows may also develop an unpleasant smell. Dirt and grime trapped in the pillow fluff may clog your pores when you sleep with your cheek and head on the pillow, causing acne and breakouts. It is advisable to change pillows frequently if you have oily skin or you experience sleep sweat. Hence,


                  Clean pillow = healthy sleep = healthy, glowing skin!


  • Dust Allergies: Dust, pollen and dust mites settles in the fabric of your pillows over time. This can be a nightmare for people who are prone to getting allergies! If you find yourself waking up sneezing or with watery eyes even after allergy season, it is definitely time to bid adieu to all the dusty pillows and cushions and switch over to hypoallergenic pillows for a sneeze free snooze! 
  • Age Related Discomfort: Comfort looks & feels different as we age. Sometimes, our elders might not realize that their bedding might be causing them discomfort. It is then our responsibility to make healthy choices for them. You can start by simply checking their pillow for fluff and shape. If their old pillows are flat, lumpy or mishappened, it will not support the head and spine, causing pains. Sometimes, an injury or old-age concerns might act up. It is then recommended to try getting them to rest on cool gel infused memory foam pillows or shredded bamboo pillows and cushions.

 The only proven way to recharge your body, mind and soul together, is to have a restful sleep and that depends on the type of bedding you use.

At the White Willow, we take Pillow Talk very seriously! 

We understand the connection people share with their pillows and hope to give you and your dreams a restful abode. Check out our hand-picked assortment of affordable pillows online for all the heights, shapes, and sizes and take the leap to a happy, healthy sleep!

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